Legal information

La Conserverie & Moutarderie Belge SA, is a company registered with the European Central Bank under number BE0433.626.721, whose registered office is located at Eynattenerstrasse 20, Raeren (4730), Belgium, in accordance with the Belgian law of 8 December 1992 concerning the processing and collection of private data. This also applies to the La Délicieuse brand website.

Conserverie & Moutarderie Belge collects personal data about its customers, which are communicated via the website. These data remain confidential and Conserverie & Moutarderie Belge will not communicate them to third parties. They are analysed to improve our website and are only used for internal company purposes (sending of information letters or emails, etc.).

Conserverie & Moutarderie Belge will not sell, trade or rent customer information to third parties. However, Conserverie & Moutarderie Belge may provide consolidated statistics about its customers, sales and site information to trusted third parties. However, these statistics will not include any personal identification data.

In accordance with European and national legal provisions, customers may exercise their right of access to their files and the right to correct or delete information concerning them by sending an e-mail to or by writing to La Conserverie & Moutarderie Belge at the following address: Eynattenerstrasse 20, 4730 Raeren, Belgium.

The site uses cookies. A cookie is a file stored on the client computer's hard drive. Its purpose is to record a previous visit to the site by the user or client. Cookies are used by La Conserverie & Moutarderie Belge to personalise the services offered to the customer. The customer reserves the right to refuse cookies by configuring their browser. They then lose the ability to customize the service otherwise provided by La Conserverie & Moutarderie Belge.

When you subscribe to the newsletter of La Conserverie & Moutarderie Belge, it means you agree to register your personal data and your e-mail address. This information will only be stored and used by La Conserverie & Moutarderie Belge to inform you of new products available, events organised and to send you the latest news.